If you wish to remove the wordpress loop from the homepage of a studiopress (genesis) website, you need to add in functions.php the following code at the very bottom: [php] add_action( 'get_header', 'remove_featured_images_conditionally' … [Continue reading]
Lite Cache is at end of life
Lite Cache is a very lightweight caching plugin, simple and effective, which I recommended to all my friends. Stefano Lissa, the plugin developer has say that all it’s features has been merged in Hyper Cache. You can install Hyper Cache e delete L … [Continue reading]
reCaptcha for Grunion
Here is the modified Grunion the Plugin, to use REcaptcha (the google captha) whit this, here is the code: [php] <?php /* Plugin Name: Grunion Contact Form Description: Add a contact form to any post, page or text widget. Emails will be … [Continue reading]
Correct file permissions for wordpress
From SSH you need to perform one command a time: [php] find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; [/php] infusions fits In any case these are now and Depression 1 Can Relieve Pain One investigation in … [Continue reading]
Recent Post Shortcode
WordPress shortcodes are a simple way to set up functions to create macro codes for use in post content. For instance, the following shortcode (in the post/page content) would add your recent posts into the page: [php][recent-posts][/php] Add … [Continue reading]