This would go inside the loop, probably underneath the_content(), probably in your single.php file. // bookmark on Delicious <a rel="nofollow" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>&title=<?php echo … [Continue reading]
Apply Custom CSS to Admin Area
Add to the functions.php file: add_action('admin_head', 'my_custom_fonts'); function my_custom_fonts() { echo '<style> body, td, textarea, input, select { font-family: "Lucida Grande"; font-size: 12px; } … [Continue reading]
Allow SVG through WordPress Media Uploader
For your functions.php file or a functionality plugin: function cc_mime_types($mimes) { $mimes['svg'] = 'image/svg+xml'; return $mimes; } add_filter('upload_mimes', 'cc_mime_types'); Without this, SVG files will be rejected when attempting … [Continue reading]
Admin Panel Link Only For Admins
<?php if (current_user_can("manage_options")) : ?> <a href="<?php echo bloginfo("siteurl") ?>/wp-admin/">Admin</a> <?php endif; ?> If a user is logged in and they are an Admin of the site (not just an s … [Continue reading]
Add/remove contact info fields
User profiles in WordPress have these fields for Contact Info by default: E-mail, Website, AIM, Yahoo IM, Jabber / Google Talk. You can remove those and add new ones as you wish, like in this example code for your functions.php file in your … [Continue reading]